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U.S.-China Don’t Agree On Much At AI Talks, But Share AI Safety Concerns

U.S.-China Don’t Agree On Much At AI Talks, But Share AI Safety Concerns

At the first bilateral AI safety dialogue between the U.S. and China held in Geneva last week, the Chinese side emphasized “strengthening the global governance of artificial intelligence” and advocated for expanding the role of the United Nations. The subtext: China doesn’t want the United States to have unchallenged control over global AI safety standards. While the Chinese readout noted the U.S. should be “included,” it highlighted China’s support of an AI governance framework that enjoys “broad consensus.”

Beijing has tried to bring voices from the developing world into the conversation on managing AI—partly to find safety in numbers in its attempts to challenge U.S. dominance in the field. In addition to their geopolitical utility, however, China’s appeals to the global south do in fact have legs. In October, the country released its Global AI Governance Initiative, which states, “All countries, regardless of their size, strength, or social system, should have equal rights to develop and use AI.”

More recent gatherings, like last month’s China-Africa Internet Development and Cooperation Forum (which was attended by representatives from 20 African countries) echoed this sentiment. The forum called for stronger representation of developing countries in global AI development—and pressed the UN to establish an AI governance institution.

The major point of agreement the two sides came to at the AI safety summit is that AI should be safe. In other words, substantive outcomes were sparse. However, considering the state of the bilateral relationship, the fact that the two sides were able to follow through on the meeting—which President Biden and Xi Jinping originally agreed to when they met in San Francisco in November—is a success in itself.

The state of the overall relationship is characterized by export controls, trade restrictions and geopolitical tensions caused by Washington’s and Beijing’s divergent approaches to ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine. Specific tech-related hostilities are also playing out between the two countries.

Days before the AI safety meeting, GOP Senator Pete Ricketts warned the Chinese-made deepfakes could influence the 2024 U.S. election. In Geneva, the U.S. side brought up China’s “misuse” of AI—while China “expressed a stern stance on the U.S. restrictions and pressure in the field of artificial intelligence.”

Advocating for global inclusion on AI safety helps Beijing make the case that U.S. restrictions targeting China’s access to advanced chips needed to run AI systems are unfair. It also creates room for a coalition of countries in opposition to the status quo set by the United States to emerge. China sees itself leading that coalition.

A more decentralized approach to AI safety might in fact be good for the world. The U.S. is already ahead of China on AI development and applications; if it ends up leading the world on AI safety, the United States could amass a dangerous degree of control over AI, especially considering Silicon Valley’s sizable influence on U.S. lawmakers’ AI policies.

Plus, it increasingly appears that which superpower leads in international AI governance is more a matter of power distribution than substantial differences in approach. According to Concordia AI’s State of AI Safety in China 2024 report, China’s recent diplomatic engagement on AI governance “indicates a growing convergence of views on AI safety among major powers.” The report attributes this convergence to China’s decision to attend the U.K.’s AI Safety Summit (and sign the associated Bletchley Declaration), issue a joint statement on AI governance with France and its willingness to participate in the AI dialogue with the U.S. at all.

Chinese AI safety research has also moved considerably in the direction of mastering “alignment”—the process of integrating human values into AI systems—and the area also favored by American AI safety communities. The Concordia report cites a paper released by ByeteDance’s Responsible AI team—which the authors describe as “among the first to formulate the settings, goals, and evaluations in large language model (LLM) unlearning,” which can omit copyright-protected content from LLMs’ training data and reduce the rate of “hallucinations,” or inaccurate and at times nonsensical responses from chatbots.

While frontier AI safety research is of course also ongoing in the United States, the difference is that in China, it is backed up by extant regulations and an evolving legal and regulatory approach to AI. Chinese regulations already in place target deepfakes, algorithmic recommendations and generative AI. In addition, China’s cybersecurity standards body included generative AI security processes in its 2024 work plan. Plus, various drafts of an AI law are in the works; last month, a team led by Zhou Hui, deputy director of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Cyber and Information Law Research Office, released an updated version of a draft AI law first published in August.

China’s multimodal progress in recent months on AI safety demonstrates an all-of-society receipt of a message from the top: China should lead in AI development and safety, not just one or the other.

Of course, lawmakers in Washington similarly feel the United States should lead in both areas. If they manage to continue, an ideal function of future U.S.-China AI talks would be demarcating which areas of global AI governance standards formulation each side should take the lead in. But based on the first dialogue, such an increase in productivity seems a long way off.

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