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Ned Benson, Lucy Boynton, and Justin H. Min Want to Play The Greatest Hits for You | Interviews

Ned Benson, Lucy Boynton, and Justin H. Min Want to Play The Greatest Hits for You | Interviews

While the film deals with grief and music’s role in processing through it, Benson, Boynton, and Min also wanted to highlight the communal nature of music as well. “[Music] is something that transcends language and cultural barriers. It hits us in a sort of deep and visceral place that I think we all understand,” Min told RogerEbert. This culminates with a standout sequence where on a rooftop, Harriet and David participate in a silent disco across the backdrop of the Los Angeles skyline. It’s a touching moment as we witness two people dancing in discordant rhythm to the same song.

Benson, Boynton, and Min spoke with RogerEbert on a rainy day at the Waldorf Astoria Chicago hotel (pre-interview Boynton joked that she felt right at home given how frequently it rains in London). The trio shared when the know a song will be a mainstay in their lives, filming the iconic rooftop sequence, and about the spiritual and collective power of music.

This conversation has been edited and condensed for clarity.

One aspect that stood out to me about the film is that we’re treated to many scenes where Harriet is “searching” for the right song that will bring her back to a pivotal moment in life. It underscores this process of how a song’s effect on us can be both meticulous and random. For each of you, when you’re listening to a song is there a moment where you say: “I know this song will stick with me and become a part of my lore” or does your love for a song develop more retrospectively or organically? Do you know when a song is going to be a favorite?

Lucy Boynton: It depends on the song, but I think it’s also an instinctive reaction. We were all talking earlier about how sometimes when you hear a song, even if you don’t know who it’s by, it can get right into your bloodstream and bones. The emotional effect can be instant. Sometimes it’s the context and the time, place, or people who are sharing a song or introducing it to you that makes a it stand out.

Justin H. Min: I’m the type of person that when I like a song, I’ll listen to it five thousand times. I’ll hate it, but because I listened to that song so many times in the span of a few days, whenever I listen to it, I really do get transported back to whenever I was listening to that song.

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