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Microsoft Teams: How to Seamlessly Integrate Consumer Messaging Apps

Microsoft Teams: How to Seamlessly Integrate Consumer Messaging Apps

Today’s knowledge workers are torn.

On one hand, they have come to love the functionality and familiarity of Microsoft Teams; on the other, they are charmed by the usability and simplicity of their favourite consumer messaging apps such as WhatsApp, iMessage, SMS, Line and others.

Flipping between each undermines the very efficiency that they all purport to provide. So how about combining them all into the same Teams interface? No need for flipping. Everything all there in one place. True native multi-channel accessibility.

Surely that kind of frictionless communication experience is what everyone wants. All enterprises must do is partner with a vendor that has the solution and the expertise to make it happen.

“Microsoft Teams is a great platform for internal communication and collaboration, and many organisations have enhanced its versatility by adding voice and functionality, however messaging apps are now a business-critical component of the communications stack, in particular with clients, partners, or any external party that are not on Teams so the trick is to combine the best of both worlds,” says Avi Pardo, Co-founder & CBO at leading communications platform provider LeapXpert, whose Microsoft award-winning, Teams native solution does exactly that.

“Relationship managers can’t afford to ignore messaging apps, which are often preferred because users get an immediate response most of the time. We understand those preferences and provide an application for Microsoft Teams which enables users to communicate externally via various messaging apps.

“All conversations are conducted over Teams’ native chat interface, so all communications really are occurring in the same place and there is no requirement to leave one interface and enter another.”

Crucially – particularly for highly-regulated businesses such as those in the financial services sector – the LeapXpert for Microsoft Teams solution also captures, manages, and allows the storing of all relevant client conversation data. It does so in a way that is compliant with recordkeeping requirements from the SEC, CFTC, FCA and others, and integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Purview for archiving, Data Leakage Prevention (DLP), information barrier deployment, and antivirus/antimalware protection.

“Data governance is rightly the top priority for any enterprise, regulated or not,” says Pardo. “Every conversation between a Teams user and external parties using their preferred messaging apps, can be recorded and stored, either on Microsoft Purview or any other third-party archiving system. Also, the platform automatically monitors and manages data exchange, blocking sensitive information or potential threats according to policies. When it comes to regulated businesses, they derive confidence from the fact that we have developed a unique compliant messaging solution adopted by hundreds of customers and hundreds of thousands of users. In addition, we have been working with Microsoft for many years and are deeply integrated within the Microsoft eco-system.”

In short, LeapXpert for Microsoft Teams enhances productivity by enabling users to interact via consumer messaging apps natively with the Microsoft Teams chat interface. It boosts customer satisfaction by empowering employees to engage with clients via their preferred channels. And it ensures compliancy, governance and security by capturing, managing, and archiving client communication data.

It’s literally an all-in-one-place solution that derives even more value from one of the world’s biggest and most powerful go-to communication and collaboration platforms.

And that feels like the kind of investment likely to pay a big dividend…

To learn more about how LeapXpert for Microsoft Teams can help your and your customers’ businesses work smarter, click here.

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