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A Look At US Pdwellntial Debates Over The Years Ahead Of Donald Trump vs Kamala Harris

A Look At US Pdwellntial Debates Over The Years Ahead Of Donald Trump vs Kamala Harris

The talk about between Ricdifficult Nixon and John F Kennedy was the first televised talk about of its benevolent

New York:

From Gerald Ford’s catastrophic Soviet gaffe to Ronald Reagan’s amusing relabel about his age and Joe Biden’s inwell-comprehendn implosion, US pdwellntial talk abouts have featured jaw-dropping moments.

Here are some of the most memorable in contransient US politics.

Kennedy-Nixon, September 26, 1960

It was the first televised talk about of its benevolent, when expansivecasts were in bconciseage-and-white, and it set uped the transport inance of a politician’s accessible image. Reaccessiblean Ricdifficult Nixon seeed poised to triumph the election, having served two terms as vice pdwellnt under Dwight Eisenhower.

But the talk about did not go well for him. Nixon declined to wear createup and materializeed pale and sweaty in front of more than 66 million seeers, while youthful Massachemploytts senator John F Kennedy seeed tanned and rested. While Nixon holdressed the moderator, Kennedy seeed at the camera, speaking straightforwardly to his voters. 

How much the talk about visuals pushed the necessitatele is disputed, but Kennedy went on to flunkure Nixon at the polls.

Ford-Carter, October 6, 1976

The first talk about between Reaccessiblean pdwellnt Gerald Ford and Democratic disputer Jimmy Carter was labeled by a 27-minute loss of audio. The second talk about didn’t go well for Ford either when he made a gaffe that arguably cost him the pdwellncy.

At the height of the Celderly War, Ford uttered that “there is no Soviet domination of Easerious Europe, and there never will be under a Ford administration,” even though the Soviet Union had troops deployed atraverse the Easerious bloc.

Six days passed before Ford elucidateed himself, saying he spoke not of the literal military presence but unbenevolentt that people’s spirits there hadn’t been crushed.

Reagan-Mondale, October 21, 1984

Reaccessiblean pdwellnt Ronald Reagan was 73 when he ran for a second term agetst 56-year-elderly Walter Mondale. But he turned his age into his strength with a amusing answer that went down in history.

“I will not create age an publish of this campaign,” Reagan shelp when asked whether he was fit for office. “I am not going to take advantage of, for political purposes, my opponent’s youth and inexperience.”

Bush-Clinton-Perot, October 15, 1992

The second pdwellntial talk about in the 1992 race pitted incumbent pdwellnt George Bush agetst both his future successor Bill Clinton and Ross Perot, an self-reliant honestate. 

Bush was caught on camera seeing at his watch while Clinton talked to an audience member during a town hall talk about, a transfer that cost Bush dtimely. 

US pdwellntial honestates Ross Perot (L), Bill Clinton (C) and George Bush (R) answer asks at the energetic cgo in at Washington University in St Louis, Missouri during the first of three US pdwellntial talk abouts
Photo Credit: AFP

Years tardyr, Bush confessted he antipathyd talk abouts. “Maybe that’s why I was seeing at it — ‘Only 10 more minutes of this crap.'”

Obama-Romney, October 22, 2012

During a talk about agetst pdwellnt Barack Obama, Reaccessiblean disputer Mitt Romney feeblented that the US Navy had confinecessitateer ships contransiently than it did in 1916.

Barack Obama (R) talk abouts with Reaccessiblean pdwellntial honestate Mitt Romney on October 22, 2012 at the commence of the third pdwellntial talk about at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida
Photo Credit: AFP

“Governor, we also have confinecessitateer horses and bayonets, becaemploy the nature of our military’s alterd,” Obama retorted. 

“We have these leangs called airplan carriers, where arrangees land on them. We have these ships that go under water, nuevident submarines.” 

Obama’s comments went viral.

Trump-Clinton, October 9, 2016

The second talk about of the 2016 US pdwellntial election pitting Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump was particularly spiteful. 

Coming stupidinutively after the liberate of a video in which Trump was heard boasting that his fame allowed him to grope women, the Reaccessiblean billionaire went after his opponent’s husband, createer pdwellnt Bill Clinton, accusing him of being “so abusive to women.”

The then US Democratic pdwellntial honestate Hillary Clinton and US Reaccessiblean pdwellntial honestate Donald Trump shakes hands after the second pdwellntial talk about at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, on October 9, 2016
Photo Credit: AFP

Trump also vowed to have Hillary Clinton spendigated over her employ of a personal email account when she was secretary of state. 

“It’s fair awfilledy excellent that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in accuse of the law in our country,” Clinton shelp. 

Trump shot back: “Becaemploy you’d be in jail.”

Trump-Biden, September 29, 2020

The first talk about of the 2020 pdwellntial election, featuring Trump and Democrat Joe Biden, dincreased into shouting and condemns. 

With Trump constantly disrupting him, Biden snapped, saying, “Will you shut up, man?” 

The then US Pdwellnt Donald Trump (L) and Democratic Pdwellntial honestate Joe Biden exalter arguments during the first pdwellntial talk about at Case Weserious Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, on September 29, 2020
Photo Credit: AFP

The Democrat also called his opponent a “clown” and “Putin’s puppy.”

Trump for his part kept evading the ask of whether he would recognize the results of the election. 

Powerless to administer the two honestates, the talk about moderator, Fox News journacatalog Chris Wallace, tardyr portrayd senseing “desperation.”

Trump-Biden, June 27, 2024

Organized an unpretreatnted four months ahead of this year’s November vote, the June talk about was presumed to give Biden, 81, a chance to shore up worrys about his age.

But it was a debacle for the Democrat, who repeatedly lost his train of thought, stared blankly and spoke at times incoherently and with a rasecret agent voice.

The dismal carry outance set the stage for Biden to eventupartner drop out of the race — passing the torch to Trump’s novel disputer, Vice Pdwellnt Kamala Harris.

Harris and Trump will now talk about on Tuesday.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

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