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Vladimir Putin plotting new ‘unholy alliance’ after ‘handshake of horror’ with Kim Jong-un | World | News

Vladimir Putin plotting new 'unholy alliance' after 'handshake of horror' with Kim Jong-un | World | News

Vladimir Putin is putting together an “unholy alliance” that wants to destroy the West, the UK’s Minister of State for Security warned.

The Russian President is on a whirlwind diplomatic tour, drumming up support for his war in Ukraine.

This week Putin was the toast of North Korea, as he made his first visit to the country in 24 years.

He was given a red carpet welcome and feted at a lavish ceremony in Pyongyang’s main square.

Later, Putin and North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un signed a mutual security pact, in which both countries pledged to support each other in the event either nation is attacked by aggressors.

Commenting on the visit, Tom Tugenhat said the world had not looked so dangerous since the end of the Cold War.

In an opinion piece for the Daily Express, he said: “Today’s images of Putin and Kim Jong’s handshake of horror remind us why defence matters. The axis of evil that threatens everything the democratic West stands for is growing.

“The footage of Russian flags and portraits of Putin hanging in the smoggy air of Pyongyang illustrates the formation of a new unholy alliance—a phrase once used to describe the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

“And history shows us that the enemies of democracy will work together to undermine us.”

Mr Tugendhat added: “Iran continues to advance its nuclear programme. The regime will continue to attempt to kidnap or kill dissidents on UK soil.

“China has taken Hong Kong and threatens Taiwan. And Putin is pushing to restore the borders of the Soviet Union.”

Putin departed North Korea for Vietnam, where he was once again warmly welcomed by President To Lam.

The Russian President said strengthening a strategic partnership with the Southeast Asian country was one of the Kremlin’s priorities.

The visits are part of a concerted Kremlin drive to assemble a political and military alliance to challenge the Western global order, according to a former Russian MP and leading dissident.

Ilya Ponomarev told the Express that the diplomatic tour showed Putin was already thinking beyond the war in Ukraine and to a future characterised by further conflict with the West.

“I think that Putin has made his bet that Ukraine will be forced to negotiate, that he will be able then to claim inside Russia that he achieved victory in Ukraine,” he explained.

“And then they will develop this BRICS alliance, which will be the prototype of a broader alliance of the global south versus the NATO/ European Union alliance of the global north.

“That will be basically the competition of the 21st century where Russia will be playing, if not the leading role, obviously, because of China, then still the key role of a country with the largest nuclear arsenal.

“They still will be definitely sitting at the table making decisions and this is what Putin wanted during all his tenure as the president of Russia.”

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