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UK ‘ghost town’ where pensioners are scared to leave home | UK | News

UK 'ghost town' where pensioners are scared to leave home | UK | News

Ashton-under-Lyne market

Ashton-under-Lyne residents have accused Labour of letting their once-thriving area go to ruin (Image: Sean Hansford | Manchester Evening News)

Pensioners are “scared to death” to leave their homes in Angela Rayner’s Ashton-under-Lyne constituency, locals have told the Daily Express.

Voters in the Greater Manchester town spoke to us before they head to the polls in July to choose their next MP. 

It comes after a recent spate of violent crime with five people arrested after two young victims were robbed in April and another incident seeing two young girls kick a boy in the face at the bus station.

Many of the people we spoke to in Ashton, which has been a market town since medieval times, conveyed a sense that the area has lost its former charm, with some claiming it had been reduced to a shadow of its former glory.

Receptionist Jenny Ardron-Adams, 56, said it had become “severely run down”.

She said: “Parking prices are way too high. Unsavoury characters roam the streets, the list is endless.

“It used to be a day out for the family or friends going shopping together. All this has gone.

“People used to go into Ashton and get something to eat in the daytime but now it is full of drug addicts.

“People are sitting on the streets begging for money. Pensioners are scared to death to leave their homes and visit the town centre.

“And I feel so sorry for the shop owners because passing trade is being completely ruined.

“It is a real dead town now it reminds me of a ghost town in an old Western film with the tumbleweed blowing across.”

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General view of Ashton under Lyne with boy on a bike

General view of the town (Image: Kenny Brown | Manchester Evening News)

Steve Gibson, owner of Gibson Music Store on Stamford Street Central, echoed Ms Ardron-Adams’s concerns.

Tameside Council says every month about 430,000 people visit Ashton town centre, which it says is on par with annual footfall figures pre-Covid.

But Mr Gibson claimed it was becoming more difficult for him to win passing trade in the area.

He said: “I have been here on Stamford Street for 14 years now and I have seen people come and go.

“The decline in footfall has been noticeable. There is nobody around window shopping anymore.

“It is like a ghost town. People are loitering around and begging and it is not what we want. There is nothing for kids to do.”

While we were speaking a customer popped in to ask about Mr Gibson’s cafe, which is part of his music shop and serves as a local hub for Ashton residents to meet for a “brew and bacon butty”.

He said: “My wife runs the cafe Thursday-Saturday. It is a place where musicians come to have discussions. It is a meeting place. It is a great hub and place for people to gather.”

Services like Mr Gibson’s cafe are vital for locals to come together – but they are sadly becoming vanishingly rare in the community.

The father of two said: “If places like our cafe get taken away there will be nowhere for people to go.”

A Tameside Council spokesperson said it provided 1,527 parking spaces within Ashton town centre within pay and display car parks.

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A Tameside Council spokesperson said it provided 1,527 parking spaces within Ashton town centre

A view of the area around the market and Town Hall (Image: Manchester Evening News)

But Mr Gibson warned parking had become an issue in the area with prices skyrocketing and available spaces on the road becoming a problem for passing trade.

He said: “Parking has been a big problem for a long time. The council is charging daft money for the car parks.

“If anyone wants to park up here and, say, buy a pack of strings they chance it and park across the street.

“But if they get caught by a traffic warden then they get a ticket.”

Nobody said hello to each other in the street anymore, Mr Gibson claimed.

He said: “A lot has changed and it is impacting small businesses.”

Mr Gibson went on to describe the closure of the local swimming pool as a “bit of a shock”.

He said: “It was somewhere families used to go – things like that needed. They have let the market go and they are going to spend another £11million on it.

“But they spent millions on it a few years ago in 2015 so I am not sure how this is going to make things any better.

“It will just make a place for people to hang around and drink and cause problems.

“As small businesses, we do not feel like we get enough support in terms of street lighting and flower pots, things like that.

“I blame Labour. They are not interested in supporting us.”

Mr Gibson’s concerns were supported by retiree Linda Rossi, 63, who told the Express in the market square: “The car park used to be 50p for a few hours. Now it is costing me £2 for an hour!”

Mrs Rossi’s husband Peter, 78, claimed the town was being “forgotten.”

He said: “They have let this place go. Look at it. It used to be a thriving area. It is a far cry from what it used to be.

“Smaller towns like this are losing out and being forgotten. We feel left behind.”

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Ashton’s outdoor market with people standing by

Ashton’s outdoor market has 104 fixed market stalls and eight kiosks (Image: Manchester Evening News)

Ashton-under-Lyne voxes

Peter and Linda Rossi spoke to the Express in Ashton-under-Lyne (Image: Kenny Brown | Manchester Evening News)

Speaking to the Express in Ashton, young Parliamentary Candidate for Reform UK Robert Barrowcliffe, 25, said: “Sadly Ashton is a dying town. I remember when there was almost a magic in the air.

“It was a great place to go – you would wander around the market and the arcade and you would go to the swimming baths and the Town Hall where the old war museum was.

“But the Town Hall is now in decay and the theatre is no longer there.

“Where are the children meant to go if there are no baths for them to visit?”

As part of his pitch to the electorate, Mr Barrowcliffe is pledging to fix Ashton’s “crime and littering problem” with more police officers, “fund our justice system” and be “tougher on crime to disincentivise people from anti-social behaviour”.

Spencer Grady, 57, runs Grade A Jewellery on Market Avenue. He specialises in handmade, bespoke pieces such as ashes in jewellery and repairs.

He said: “Over the last six or seven years, Ashton has totally declined.

“It has been mainly due to the Labour council. They have had a monopoly of the council for 40 years and they have let it run to wrack and ruin.

“And all Angela Rayner is bothered about is furthering her career within the Labour Party. I don’t see her doing anything for the town.”

Ashton’s current outdoor market, which has 104 fixed market stalls and eight kiosks, was the product of a £4.5million investment by the council which was completed in 2015.

A further £10.8million is now set to be invested in a new canopy after the town secured almost £20million in levelling up funding from the Government.

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Young Parliamentary Candidate for Reform UK Robert Barrowcliffe

Young Parliamentary Candidate for Reform UK Robert Barrowcliffe (Image: Reform UK)

But Workers Party of Britain candidate Aroma Hassan has argued the money could be better spent.

The mother of three said: “When I went to the stalls I was shocked to hear people who run them saying they had not asked for this revamp.

“Stallholder after stallholder said they were not consulted about how the funding would be used.

“Why did the council apply for funds for something that will not benefit us?

“When I asked I was told ‘There is nothing we can do because it is already ring-fenced’.

“How ridiculous! These funds are raised by taxpayers and entrusted to people to spend in good faith.”

Ashton-under-Lyne voxes

Aroma Hassan (L), Workers Party Parliamentary candidate for Ashton-under-Lyne (Image: Kenny Brown | Manchester Evening News)

What the Council says

Tameside Council says its Community Safety team is working “alongside the police and other partners to tackle anti-social behaviour”.

A spokesperson pointed out that the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for Ashton-under-Lyne town centre commenced on November 4, 2022.

The PSPO’s scope involves seeking to prohibit the following activities: the consumption of alcohol or the possession of an open alcohol container, the use or possession of other intoxicating substances as defined by the Psychoactive Substances Act 2016, discarding a hypodermic needle or syringe, urination or defecation, health and/or safety risks including obstruction of doorways and stairwells, the erection of temporary structures within the restricted area.

A Tameside spokesperson said: “Ashton Town Centre is about to undergo significant improvement works following the Council’s success in securing £20million through the government’s Levelling Up Fund.

“Work will involve improvements to the Town Hall façade and the whole-scale redevelopment of Market Square to provide a modern and flexible civic space.

“The plans for the new canopy will provide a designated undercover area for markets to include flexible, durable market stalls and kiosks with seating and open up the space for events and activities.”

“The plans include additional green spaces, trees and planting as well as new street furniture and informal play spaces.

“The canopy and kiosks will frame views of the listed Town Hall and Market Hall buildings and improve walking routes through to the square in all directions and have been designed to deter anti-social behaviour with clear sight lines and improved lighting and CCTV in the square.

“The final scheme for the Market Square will be a significant step in regenerating the town centre and raising Ashton under Lyne’s profile as a visitor destination and attracting further inward investment and spending, boosting the local economy.

“We will of course continue to support all our town centres, seeking investment that enables us to enhance the offer and encourage more visitors. Ashton already has a lot to offer and benefits from excellent public transport links.”

The Town Hall in Ashton under Lyne

The Town Hall in Ashton is set for a major revamp as part of £20m in levelling up funding (Image: Kenny Brown | Manchester Evening News)

Responding to residents’ concerns about car parking, a Tameside spokesperson said: “We know shoppers want it to be as easy as possible for them to stop off and shop in their town centres and the new tariffs encourage short-stay use, increasing space availability within the most sought-after spaces and discouraging long-stay use in the most convenient car parks.

“This – coupled with the upgraded machines which offer a cashless option, make it convenient for shoppers to use town centre car parks and support local traders.

“In addition to this, there are also private car parks located within Ashton Town Centre providing a further 2,000 parking spaces some of which are free of charge (limited hours), and some are pay and display.

“While we see fluctuation in usage week on week, there is no downward trend in the data from the implementation of the tariffs to the current date.

“We see higher usage at weekends, and peaks on days where there are events including Fridays on the Square with ad hoc and seasonal events.

“We are utilising Tameside UKSPF funding to add additional events and animation to support local traders and businesses and increase footfall, this weekend has seen the first of five Saturday on the Square events in Ashton with the aim of generating additional footfall for the town.”

Ashton under Lyne market view

Tameside Council says every month about 430,000 people visit Ashton town centre (Image: Manchester Evening News)

What the police say

Chief Inspector Dave Henthorne for Neighbourhoods & Partnerships in Tameside said: “We are committed to working alongside our partners to make Ashton Town Centre a safe place for all to visit.

“Since January 2022, there has been an overall reduction in antisocial behaviour and violent crime in the town centre. This mirrors the force-wide trend of crime having decreased.

“There has been a public space protection order in place for the town centre since October 2022, and we currently have ten individuals subject to a criminal behaviour order, effectively banning them from entering the area.

“This has contributed to the decline in crime in the area, and has been an effective use of civil orders available to us.

“We work very closely with partners in the local authority, housing, mental health, social care, and other blue light services, to problem solve persistent issues and create long-lasting solutions.

“This work is enhanced by the likes of our dedicated Prevention Hub and Challenger teams, who support us in education, early intervention, diversion and safeguarding work, as enforcement and arresting people alone cannot be the answer to issues.

“In Ashton town centre, we have a dedicated neighbourhood beat officer and PCSOs and our neighbourhood team across the district has benefitted from the police uplift over recent years.

“These officers and staff have extensive knowledge of the area, businesses, and people within it, and regularly patrol and engage with the community, responding to incidents quickly as they arise.

“We would encourage anyone who has information about crime or antisocial behaviour in the area to get in touch with us online, by calling 101, or using 999 in an emergency. For those who prefer to remain anonymous, independent charity Crimestoppers can be contacted with information.

“I would like to provide assurances that when we receive information, we do act on this.”

What Labour says

A Labour spokesperson said: “Angela is proud to have been a strong local champion for her community for nearly a decade and has repeatedly called out the Conservatives’ broken promises on levelling up.”

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