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The Unloved, Part 127: Highlander II: The Quickening | MZS

The Unloved, Part 127: Highlander II: The Quickening | MZS

We’re continuing on the theme of psychedelic Sean Connery movies; this one as empty-headed as “Zardoz” is bristling with philosophical intrigue but twice as beautiful. This is the singular work of Russell Mulcahy, the genius behind Razorback, Ricochet, and the creator of the modern music video. I love Russell Mulcahy with all my heart; I’m such a purist about his visuals that I prefer “Highlander 2: The Quickening” to the much-loved original “Highlander.” This is frankly because less gets between Mulcahy’s eye and his audience’s. This is pure visual splendor, an opera written in stars and fire. After the lacerating inquiry into aging and dying and the afterlife, it is now time to take back one’s youth and live forever. 

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