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The Justice League’s Shocking Traitor “Makes Sense” to Absolute Power Writer Mark Waid

The Justice League’s Shocking Traitor “Makes Sense” to Absolute Power Writer Mark Waid


  • Waid explains Green Arrow’s turn to the dark side as a natural evolution, based on his history of calling out superhero’s lack of awareness.
  • Green Arrow’s decision to work for Waller is part of a bigger plan to take down his old enemies and get his family back, posing as a double agent.
  • Queen’s lack of powers and willingness to go against his superhero friends make him the perfect traitor to fool Waller and work in metahumans’ best interests.

One of the Justice League’s own is turning against his former allies in DC Comics’ upcoming event Absolute Power. Mark Waid spoke to Screen Rant about the upcoming story and aired his thoughts on why Green Arrow’s turn to the dark side feels like a natural evolution for Oliver Queen.

Absolute Power’s Mark Waid spoke to Screen Rant about what fans could expect this summer. After discussing the story’s villains, the conversation turned to Absolute Power’s surprise traitor, Green Arrow. Waid was asked how he felt writing Oliver Queen, a traditionally left-leaning figure, as working for a fascist character like Waller.

Mark Waid: (laughs) Well, I mean you could certainly make the case that for all of his left wing tendencies, Green Arrow has always been the first one to call the heroes out on not being in touch with the common man as much. As not being as responsible to humanity as he feels they ought to be. That goes back 20, 30, 40 years. So it works for me. It makes sense to me that Green Arrow would make a leap like this, it may not make sense to other people. But to those people, I would ask them to ride it out and come back to me in a few months.

Waid defended the idea, saying that Green Arrow has always been one of the first to call out his fellow heroes as being out-of-touch with everyday people. Waid admits that some might not see Oliver doing something like that, but encourages readers to reassess after the event is over.

Green Arrow’s Shock Decision Is in Line with His History

Green Arrow and Waller Strike Deal in Front of Burning Hall of Justice DC

While Amanda Waller has mostly been concerned with ridding the Earth of metahumans, she’s kept her eye on select humans who don’t possess powers, such as the members of Team Arrow. Green Arrow discovered that Waller had struck a bargain with his old nemesis Merlyn to keep Queen’s family separated in order to manipulate Oliver. The Emerald Archer eventually confronted Waller and she offered Queen a deal: Working for her in exchange for getting even with Merlyn and getting his family back together. Green Arrow agreed and even started going out on missions for Waller as her personal agent.

Waid raises an interesting point in that Green Arrow does have a history of calling out his powerful comrades for their lack of awareness in regard to average people’s lives. Of course, there’s a difference between Green Arrow holding his friends accountable and actively helping a maniac like Waller de-power and arrest his allies. That said, Oliver has noted that he’s “playing the long game” against Waller. Perhaps Green Arrow is using his history of calling out superheroes not so much as a defense, but as camouflage to hide his true intentions as he works with Waller.

Green Arrow is the Perfect Double Agent

Green Arrow Working for Amanda Waller DC

Few people can manage to trick someone like Amanda Waller, but Green Arrow is in the perfect position to do so. Waller trusts Queen due to his lack of powers and his willingness to go against his friends in the superhero community. Queen is using that to his advantage and posing as a traitor to the world while secretly acting in the metahumans’ best interests. Of course, it’ll be hard to say what exactly Queen is thinking until Absolute Power is out, but Waid is right: It’s definitely in line with the Justice League member’s personality.

Absolute Power #1 is available on July 3rd from DC Comics.

Absolute Power #1 (2024)

Absolute Power 1 Finalized Cover Justice League and Waller DC

  • Writer: Mark Waid
  • Artist: Dan Mora
  • Colorist: Alejandro Sánchez
  • Letterer: Ariana Maher
  • Cover Artist: Dan Mora

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