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The Importance Of Logical Reasoning In AI

The Importance Of Logical Reasoning In AI

Co-founder and CEO at Decision Intelligence company Rainbird Technologies, Talks about AI trust and explainability.

We have had a “data fetish” with artificial intelligence (AI) for over 20 years—so long that many have forgotten our AI history. Our saturated mindset states that all AI must start with data, yet back in the 1990s, there wasn’t any data and we lacked the computing power to build machine learning models.

The AI hype back then was all about the symbolic representation of knowledge and rules-based systems—what some nostalgically call “good old-fashioned AI” (GOFAI) or symbolic AI. It’s hard to believe now, but billions of dollars were poured into symbolic AI with a fervor that reminds me of the generative AI hype today.

Understanding Symbolic AI

What was good about symbolic AI anyway? Well, it was transparent. It was grounded in explicit rules and logical reasoning enabling clarity and transparency of the decision-making process. Symbolic AI’s ability to represent knowledge allowed for the intricate modeling of domains and ensured reliability and consistency when queried. It was particularly adept at tasks requiring rigorous, structured problem-solving.

However, symbolic AI also had limitations. It lacked learning capability and had difficulty navigating the nuances of complex, real-world environments. It also had to be addressed explicitly using the symbols used in its models. All this became known as the “closed world” problem.

In today’s blisteringly hot summer of generative AI, the universality of being able to ask questions of a model in natural language—and get answers that make sense—is exceptionally attractive. This is possible because the breadth of data that goes into training LLMs is eye-wateringly large, something that is both a strength and a weakness. They know enough to understand your language but too much to generate grounded answers.

When utilized carefully, LLMs massively augment the efficiency of experts, but humans must remain “to the right” of each prediction. LLMs are amazing word prediction machines but lack the capability to assess problems logically and contextually. They also don’t provide a chain of reasoning capable of proving that responses are accurate and logical.

Their optimal use is actually as a component of a larger AI architecture. This perspective is now supported by numerous analysts, including Gartner. In their 2024 Impact Radar, they stated that knowledge graphs—a symbolic AI technology of the past—are the critical enabler for generative AI.

Moving From Generation To Logical Reasoning

The demand for systems that not only deliver answers but also explain their reasoning transparently and reliably is becoming critical, especially in contexts where AI is used for crucial decision-making. Organizations bear a responsibility to explore and utilize AI responsibly, and the emphasis on trust is growing as AI leaders seek new ways of leveraging LLMs safely.

One popular architecture is retrieval augmented generation (RAG), which has the benefits of referencing document sources. Because it is not economical for LLMs to ingest vast amounts of text, RAG uses good old-fashioned trigonometry to find snippets from document sources that are similar to the question to narrow down what the LLM should predict an answer from.

RAG is powerful because it can point at the areas of the document sources that it referenced, signposting the human so they can check the accuracy of the output. Yet LLMs, even with the benefit of RAG, are not really reasoning logically. They’re impressive, but they are still word prediction machines.

If you ask an LLM an easy question or a hard question, the amount of computation used to generate each token of output is the same. This is not the way the real world works. When we have difficult problems, we work harder to solve them.

Retrieval augmented reasoning (RAR) is an example of another approach. It incorporates a more sophisticated interaction with information sources and actively and logically reasons in a human-like manner, engaging in dialogue with both document sources and users to gather context. It then employs logical reasoning to produce answers with a causal rationale.

RAR offers comprehensive accuracy and guardrails against the hallucinations that LLMs are so prone to, grounded by the knowledge graph. The inability to grasp the context of specific situations or provide answers that are both accurate and logically sound with full explainability is addressed in this way, enabling a more interactive, iterative process of knowledge retrieval, consultation and causal reasoning.

The knowledge graph used can also be expanded to include nuanced human expertise, allowing the AI to leverage documented regulations, policies or procedures and human tribal knowledge, enhancing contextual decision-making. This is particularly valuable in regulated markets, where evidence-based rationales are essential for trust and adoption. By providing answers with not just source references but also logical chains of reasoning, RAR can foster a level of trust and transparency that’s becoming crucial in today’s increasingly regulated world.

Still, while RAR helps address these challenges, it’s important to note that the knowledge graph needs input from a subject-matter expert to define what’s important. It also relies on a symbolic reasoning engine and a knowledge graph to work, which further requires some modest input from a subject-matter expert. However, it does fundamentally alter how AI systems can address real-world challenges.

To shift from generation to reasoning, several key actions are necessary. There needs to be increased investment in research and development of reasoning-based AI architectures like RAR to refine and scale these approaches. Industry leaders and influencers must actively promote the importance of logical reasoning and explainability in AI systems over predictive generation, particularly in high-stakes domains. Finally, collaboration between academia, industry and regulatory bodies is crucial to establish best practices, standards and guidelines that prioritize transparent, reliable and ethically aligned AI systems.

Final Thoughts

As we navigate the evolving ethical and regulatory implications of AI, approaches that combine LLMs with the symbolic AI of the past can help ensure that our technology not only responds to our queries but does so in a manner that is grounded, accurate, trustworthy and provable.

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