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The Broken Social Scene

The Broken Social Scene

Lindsey Witmer Collins is the Founder and CEO of WLCM App Studio, an award-winning software design and development agency.

I recently had a brief, terse back-and-forth with a stranger on LinkedIn.

I’d posted about the TikTok situation, and this person wrongly assumed my post’s point was to make a legal argument. The more I tried to explain I wasn’t taking a prescriptive position on the topic, the more they insisted my prescriptive position was wrong. They even screenshotted my post and made their own snarky post—without tagging me.

They had some great knowledge to offer. Presented properly, it would’ve been valuable to the discussion. Though I did my best to be the adult in the conversation, I can’t deny feeling the instinct to dig my heels in and fight.

The thing is, my post’s metrics went through the roof, garnering about three times as many impressions as what I would usually consider “high-performing.” Still, I didn’t feel great about it.

Am I alone? When was the last time a mainstream social media platform felt good, healthy or fulfilling? When was the last time it moved the discourse forward in a positive way?

No Such Thing As Bad Attention—Really? has about a dozen definitions for “social,” including “being characterized by friendly companionship or relations” and “seeking or enjoying the companionship of others.” One definition specifies the context of digital social networks that “promote companionship or communication with friends and other personal contacts.”

Social media doesn’t feel friendly. Most people wouldn’t describe it as “enjoyable.” Almost everyone I know is trying to find ways to do social media less, even as social media grows to play a part in building businesses and securing livelihoods.

The incentive structure of these platforms is built to reward the volume of engagement with no regard for the nature or quality of that engagement. That’s why provocative, outlandish content gets so much traction, while nuanced, calm-headed content doesn’t. It’s why content moderation will never be enough.

This isn’t good for us.

Think of the life cycle of social media success. You start by being yourself—with your opinions, art, tastes and friends. At first, people like you, so you grow a following. Soon, your follower list consists of far more strangers than actual acquaintances. You start paying attention to which posts pop on the algorithm. Then, you start trying to game the algorithm to sell more art, parlay some sponsorship deals, reach more prospects or make money off views.

You’re no longer being yourself. You’re certainly not being social in the biological sense. You’re beholden to the algorithm. As Om Malik puts it, the tail is wagging the dog.

Beneath this thin veneer sits a powerful ad platform with a simple formula—more engagement means more eyes means more valuable ad sales. The algorithms are designed to serve the bottom line, users be damned.

Impotent Values

In the late ’90s, Google famously added its mantra of “don’t be evil” to its corporate code of conduct. Google’s search product was gaining big momentum. The team knew it would face pressure to essentially prioritize monetary opportunities over its users’ experience and well-being.

The timing here is important. Google didn’t know what choices would come its way, but it knew they’d be hard ones. The point of having values like this is to provide a framework for decision-making in unpredictable moments. When you can’t predict the outcome or are torn between choices, values keep you on track—allowing you to make the choice that will let you sleep at night.

OpenAI’s mission to create AI for the benefit of humanity feels similar. The problem with these values is their vagueness. So much of our philosophy and religion revolves around the question of what is “good” and “evil.” It’s a difficult matter to discern.

I imagine a target with “evil” written on it, a Googler with a bow and arrow instructed to aim anywhere else. “Good” isn’t even in the picture. Today, the motto is the last line of Google’s code of conduct.

In reality, I believe the wide latitude these creeds grant gives Big Tech a license to do whatever it wants and eschew accountability. Ambiguity always gives someone an advantage. For example, OpenAI is pursuing artificial general intelligence (AGI), but there’s no concrete vision for what constitutes AGI. This benefits Microsoft, as Microsoft can only license the use of OpenAI products that fall short of AGI.

Behavior follows incentives, and incentives are derived from values. Technologists love to claim a stance of neutrality in developing products and platforms. Yet it’s delusional to think we can create technology divorced from a worldview and value system.

You could argue against that. You could claim that rewarding engagement on its face, with no regard for quality, is to abstain from imposing ideas of good or bad on the user—and you might be right. But where has that gotten us?

The Future Of Good

To create better technology and better digital communities, we must develop a less ambiguous idea of what’s better for us, as individuals and as a species. To me, that breaks down into a few key elements.

• Social media and much of the internet turn on the opaque buying and selling of personal data. Platforms like Vana give users data autonomy, allowing them to truly own and control their data and direct and revoke it at will.

• Users have minimal control over what flows into their newsfeeds—giving the algorithm the power to decide. It shapes our mood, worldview and politics. Platforms like Bluesky give users more control over their feeds and what they consume. Other platforms should follow suit.

• Facebook’s goal is to “connect every person in the world,” but we were never meant to know this many people’s every thought. What I consider “open world” platforms like X aren’t ideal. Reddit groups are smaller and give members a common ground—allowing people to get to know one another.

• We don’t need Big Tech to be the middleman between us and the internet. A more distributed ecosystem will allow us to engage more directly with other people and creators out there. Those connections will enjoy a much higher quality.

Healthy, rewarding digital communities are possible. The niche social apps we create often involve intensely personal aspects of life—breastfeeding, menstruation, mental health, parenting. It’s heartening and validating that users feel safe sharing and connecting around these topics because the app is designed for real and positive connection—for respect, trust and good faith.

Apps that don’t incentivize good behavior didn’t get that way by accident. They don’t have to operate this way. They shouldn’t. If we demand it enough, in the near future, they won’t be able to.

Forbes Technology Council is an invitation-only community for world-class CIOs, CTOs and technology executives. Do I qualify?

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