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Solving Tool Sprawl Through Technology And Cross-Team Collaboration

Solving Tool Sprawl Through Technology And Cross-Team Collaboration

Patty Hatter is President and COO of Opsera.

As technology organizations continue to modernize and keep pace with shifting industry trends and business requirements, the number of apps used to support their initiatives has grown steadily with double-digit app adoption.

Whether it is developers using various tools across the software development life cycle (SDLC) or business leaders and product owners utilizing collaboration or project management software, tool sprawl can get out of hand—and expensive—very quickly. Larger organizations spend thousands of dollars per employee on SaaS applications alone each year.

Developers use various tools from cloud and development platforms to coding and collaboration tools. More often than not, they use different toolsets than their peers. Some larger enterprises may employ thousands of developers, quickly creating tool sprawl that is out of control and, especially for highly regulated industries, causing a mess of security issues.

Tool sprawl does not happen overnight, and it’s quite understandable how it happens once you examine the inner workings of an organization. However, there is a way to manage tool sprawl successfully. It comes down to balancing requirements and needs between business leadership and engineering teams while simplifying architecture to consolidate tooling and meet everyone’s needs.

Let’s explore tool sprawl, including how to identify it in your organization and the keys to nailing the balancing act.

Understanding Tool Sprawl In Your Organization

First, it is important to understand that tool sprawl is not a niche problem. It happens to many organizations, regardless of size or industry. Everything is an ebb and flow—no one is trying to create chaos, but specific needs must be filled, and there is never just one tool that addresses every need or challenge within a company.

The wave of tool sprawl typically starts when many point solutions are adopted to address the real and unique needs of individual teams across an organization, from engineering to IT and everything in between. The breadth of tool sprawl is typically realized when license renewals come up. That can create a real “ah-ha” moment.

This is a chance for the business to step back, evaluate the value of the sea of tools that have been purchased over the past year or two, and understand where duplication has occurred or where tools aren’t being utilized. A consolidated platform is one approach to help resolve multiple-point problems within an architecture, simplifying tool management. While it may sound counter-intuitive to add another tool in this scenario, automation can help speed up the discovery process. For instance, you may plug in source code management (SCM) and issue tracking into a DevOps orchestration platform that automatically identifies tools used in the tech stack.

Culturally, it is important to work cross-functionally between business and engineering leadership to understand which teams are using which tools, how they provide value and how satisfied each team is with the tools they are currently using. Company leadership should drive this collaboration culture and make taming tool sprawl a priority initiative. Your IT team or platform team is also a great resource to help you understand all the tools used across the organization, as they are likely the ones who have helped install or maintain these apps.

Once you have a clear understanding of all of the tools used across the organization, you can then empower platform teams to begin the balancing act of consolidating tools in the tech stack while ensuring product delivery is uninterrupted, and every team member is happy with what remains.

The Balancing Act Of Managing Tool Sprawl

Technology leaders today need to be able to do more with less. Even organizations with massive budgets should refrain from churning spend on hundreds of tools with different licensing agreements, costs and impacts on the business. While making cuts to tooling is critical for success, it needs to be done with careful consideration and should originate from leadership.

How can organizations effectively strike a balance between the preferences of leadership and developers to manage tool sprawl? It’s important to understand what leaders and developers need in their toolset to be happy.

Leadership’s Perspective

• Alignment With Business Objectives: Leadership typically focuses on overarching business objectives. They will want to prioritize tools that offer strategic value, such as analytics platforms, project management software and customer relationship management (CRM) systems.

• Cost-Effectiveness: Leaders are naturally concerned with the return on investment (ROI) of tools. They seek solutions that deliver tangible benefits while minimizing unnecessary expenses.

• Scalability: Leaders prioritize tools that can scale with the organization’s growth and seamlessly integrate with existing systems to avoid disruption.

Developer’s Perspective

• Functionality And Efficiency: Developers prioritize tools that enhance their productivity and streamline their workflows. They often prefer specialized tools for coding, testing, debugging and deployment.

• Flexibility And Customization: Developers value tools that allow for customization and flexibility to adapt to their unique workflows and preferences.

• Collaboration And Communication: Developers require tools that facilitate seamless collaboration with team members, such as version control systems, communication platforms and issue-tracking software.

Being able to make the ultimate decision on which tools stay and go comes down to communication between teams. Fostering open communication between leadership and developers is essential for understanding each other’s perspectives, identifying common goals and collaboratively selecting the most suitable tools. Regular meetings, feedback sessions and cross-functional workshops can facilitate this dialogue.


Balancing tool sprawl between leadership and developers requires a concerted effort to understand each group’s perspectives, communicate effectively and collaboratively select tools that align with organizational goals and individual needs. When leadership prioritizes a tool reduction effort, fosters open communication and makes happiness an ROI metric, organizations can mitigate the challenges posed by tool sprawl and create a harmonious ecosystem of tools that enhances productivity, innovation and collaboration.

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