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Silo Season 2’s Story Makes A Massive Change From The Books

Silo Season 2's Story Makes A Massive Change From The Books

Warning! Contains minor spoilers for Hugh Howey’s Wool.


  • Silo season 2 introduces major changes not seen in the original book, setting up exciting plot developments for the TV series.
  • Bernard’s plan to leave Silo 18 in season 2 hints at potential manipulation or defiance, leading to new conflicts and character arcs.
  • Despite deviations from the source material, Hugh Howey has endorsed Silo season 2, suggesting that changes will enhance the series.

New Silo season 2 footage suggests the show is introducing one major book change, making it hard not to wonder what its implications could be in the overarching story. Based on Hugh Howey’s book series of the same name, Apple TV+’s Silo season 1 loyally adapts most story arcs from its source material. However, despite staying true to the essence of the original Silo books, the show changes the overarching story’s tone and makes it more suitable for television’s episodic format.

Given how Silo season 1 ends its runtime an entire arc before Hugh Howey’s first Silo book, Wool, even the show’s timeline does not necessarily align with the source material. The show also introduces new concepts like The Syndrome and Flamekeepers, which were not a part of the original books’ lore. Interestingly, new Silo season 2 footage suggests the show might introduce even bigger changes in its second installment.


I’m Concerned About This Apple TV+ Show’s Future After Watching Amazon’s Best Sci-Fi

After watching one of Amazon’s best sci-fi shows from recent years, I have been growing increasingly worried about an Apple TV+ show’s future seasons.

Bernard Semmingly Wins Over The People Of Silo 18

Although most details surrounding Silo season 2’s story are still under wraps, Apple TV+’s roundup of upcoming shows gives a glimpse into what the future holds for the sci-fi series. In the clip, Bernard seemingly addresses the people of Silo 18 and the IT, encouraging everyone to leave the central underground bunker. In response, the people of the silo cheer for Bernard, indicating they still look up to him even after Silo season 1’s ending. This development seems strange because, in the book, the people in Silo 18 turn against Bernard and start a rebellion after Juliette successfully leaves Silo 18.

Juliette’s departure from the silo had already sparked a rebellion among the people living in the lower levels. After realizing how Bernard and the other authorities of the silo were lying to them, the citizens should have become even more infuriated and waged a war against Bernard. This, as Wool‘s closing arc suggests, should have led to dire consequences for Bernard in Silo season 2. Strangely, as seen in the clip, the people from the levels support Bernard and even stand with him when he talks about leaving.

How IT’s Silo Season 2 Tease Is A Major Book Change

Silo Season 2 Hints Bernard Has Either Changed Or Is Planning Something More Evil

While it is possible that the clip combines a few different scenes that do not occur in chronological order in Silo season 2, Bernard talking about leaving the silo is still a strange development that does not happen in the original book. Only time will tell whether this will be a part of Bernard’s meticulous plan to manipulate the people of the silo or an act of defiance towards the authorities above him. If the former is true, Bernard is likely faking his support towards the people of the silo only to suppress the rebellion and establish control before the people above him take action against him.

Since Hugh Howey has already given
season 2 his stamp of approval by calling it one of the best things he has ever seen, audiences can rest assured that changes to the books’ story will likely improve the series.

On the other hand, if the latter happens, Bernard could land himself and Silo 18’s citizens in some serious trouble by convincing everyone to step out without understanding its dangerous consequences. Regardless of what happens, this change sets up some exciting plot developments. Since Hugh Howey has already given Silo season 2 his stamp of approval by calling it one of the best things he has ever seen, audiences can rest assured that changes to the book series’ story will likely improve the series.

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