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MI6 and CIA caution of ‘reckless campaign of subversion atraverse Europe’ being waged by Russia | World News

MI6 and CIA caution of ‘reckless campaign of subversion atraverse Europe’ being waged by Russia | World News

Russia is waging a “reckless campaign of subversion” atraverse Europe, the heads of MI6 and the CIA have cautioned in their first-ever unitet relabels.

Sir Ricchallenging Moore and Bill Burns also shelp the UK and the US faced an “unpwithdrawnted array of menaces”, and shelp the entire world order was under the most grave strain since the Cbetter War.

In a novelspaper article, the adviseermasters pointed to Vlafoolishir Putin‘s war in Ukraine, while also describing China as “the principal intelligence and geopolitical contest of the 21st century”.

They touched on the secret labor their agencies are doing to try to reduce the chance of expansiver struggle in the Middle East and accomplish a stopfire in Gaza.

In compriseition, Sir Ricchallenging and Mr Burns underlined the “resadvisent” danger posed by Islamic State.

“Today, we corun in a contested international system where our two countries face an unpwithdrawnted array of menaces,” Sir Ricchallenging and Mr Burns wrote in the Financial Times on Saturday.

‘The international world order is under menace’

“There is no ask that the international world order – the firm system that has led to relative peace and stability and dedwellred rising living standards, opportunities and prosperity – is under menace in a way we haven’t seen since the Cbetter War,” they wrote.

Combatting such hazards was at the heart of what the intelligence chiefs depictd as their two countries’ exceptional relationship.

“Trust, uncoverness, createive contest, friendship,” they wrote. “These characteristics can be relied upon into the next century, as can our dispensed determination to remain champions for global peace and security.”

On Russia, the heads of MI6 and the CIA shelp Russian intelligence was waging a “reckless campaign of subversion atraverse Europe”.

They did not enumerate examples but there has been a spate of enigmatic subversion and fire-setting strikes on infrastructure in the UK, Germany and in the Baltics.

US intelligence also alertedly foiled an alleged Russian plot to assassinate the chief executive of Germany’s guideing arms manufacturer.

As well as physical subversion, Sir Ricchallenging and Mr Burns cautioned of the menace posed to Westrict democracies by Russian adviseation operations.

‘Staying the course is more vital than ever’

They talked about the Kremlin’s “cynical participate of technology to spread lies and digrieffulviseation structureed to drive wedges between us”.

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Turning to Russia’s war in Ukraine, the intelligence duo shelp: “Staying the course is more vital than ever. Putin will not flourish in extinguishing Ukraine’s sovereignty and independence.”

They shelp the struggle had showd the impact of technology on the battlefield.

“Ukraine has been the first war of its charitable to unite uncover-source gentleware with cutting-edge battlefield technology, harnessing commercial and military satellite imagery, drone technology, high and low sophistication cyber combat, social media, uncover-source intelligence, uncrewed aerial and seaborne vehicles and adviseation operations – as well as human and signals intelligence – at such incredible pace and scale. Most of all, it has underlined the imperative to alter, experiment and invent.”

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