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NASA Voyager 1 Back To Science After Glitch In Interstellar Space

NASA Voyager 1 Back To Science After Glitch In Interstellar Space

Not bad for a 46-year-old spacecraft. NASA’s Voyager 1 is back in business after a serious glitch in November put a stop to its science work for months. The probe is humanity’s most distant emissary as it explores interstellar space—the space between stars. NASA’s ability to fix the elderly spacecraft over a great distance is a testament to perseverance and ingenuity.

Two of Voyager 1’s instruments are working again and sending back usable science data. “The mission’s science instrument teams are now determining steps to recalibrate the remaining two instruments, which will likely occur in the coming weeks,” said NASA in a statement on May 22. “The achievement marks significant progress toward restoring the spacecraft to normal operations.”

Voyager 1 is in uncharted territory with both its location and its age. The probe is over 15 billion miles away from home. It takes more than 22.5 hours for a message from Earth to reach the probe and another 22.5 hours to receive a response. That means troubleshooting works in slow motion. Voyager 1 and its twin Voyager 2 launched back in 1977, so the team is working with decades-old systems, technology and documentation. Voyager 1 became the first human-made object to leave the solar system in 2012 when it entered interstellar space. Voyager 2 took the same cosmic step in 2018.

Voyager 1’s plasma wave subsystem and magnetometer instrument are sending usable data. The team is still working on fixing the cosmic ray subsystem and low-energy charged particle instrument. This process could take weeks. “Kinda like when your power goes out and you have to go around your whole house resetting all your electronics,” the Voyager 1 team tweeted on X. “That’s basically what my team and I are doing now.”

Returning Voyager 1 to science operations has been an incremental process. The probe began sending back garbled data in late November and it took time to track down the source of the glitch. “The team eventually determined the issue stemmed from a small portion of corrupted memory in the flight data subsystem, one of the spacecraft’s three computers,” said NASA. “Among other things, this system is designed to package data from the science instruments as well as engineering data about the health and status of the spacecraft before that information is sent to Earth.”

With the source located, the team set about reworking Voyager 1’s code. By late April, the probe was once again making sense. Getting two instruments back to science work marks a major milestone in the recovery operation. Every day Voyager 1 continues to function is a small miracle. NASA’s heroic troubleshooting efforts will help scientists better understand interstellar space.

The spacecraft won’t last forever, but NASA hopes to keep at least one instrument working on both Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 until around 2025. Even if the science instruments go into retirement, the probes could stay in touch with Earth for many years to come. And there’s always the hope Voyager’s Golden Record—a phonograph record full of messages from Earth—may one day be found by intelligent life from beyond our solar system. In the meantime, Voyager 1 is back to work for as long as it will last.

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