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Migrating to new iPhone: App Store 2FA

Migrating to new iPhone: App Store 2FA

I am one one those, who have different accounts for the App store and iCloud, back from the days when iCloud was called Mobile Me….

When migrating to my new iPad the device prompted me for confirming the App store login on one of my other devices, but no prompt was shown on any of them. I was able to solve it with the backup phone number, but I fear that this will not work when migration to a new iPhone in the autumn, as the phone is the device I receive SMS on.

In the past I had this problem when setting up a new Apple Watch but I can not remember, how I solved it. I do remember that it was really annoying… Is there anything I can do in advance to not step into this problem when setting up a new Iphone?

And yes, I think Apple should keep its promise and finally find a way to merge accounts, as they promised about a decade ago…


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