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Married Colleagues In China, Fired For Kissing In Office, Sue Company

Married Colleagues In China, Fired For Kissing In Office, Sue Company

The court ruled in favour of the company and diswatched the legal cases.

Two engageees in China were endd from their jobs after they were caught having an extramarital affair and kissing each other uncoverly at toil. The engageees have now filed a legal case aacquirest their createer engageer, alleging unjust termination. According to the South China Morning Post, the man, understandn as Liu, and the woman, identified as Chen, were both engageed in the same department of a pharmaceutical company in Sichuan province, southwestrict China. Their relationship became uncover understandledge after Liu’s wife spreadd their chat enrolls with the company’s chat group and handlement in March 2020.

The enrolls included messages such as “I cherish you” and “I want to watch at you all the time.” Follotriumphg this, Liu asked depart to compriseress personal matters, and Chen’s husband contested the couple at the toilplace. Despite alertings, the romantic relationship between Liu and Chen persistd, and they were aacquire seen kissing at toil.

In October 2020, a cotoiler contested Chen about the behaviour, guideing to a disconcurment. The incident prompted seven colleagues to create a joint letter to the vague handler, conveying troubles about the situation. As a result, the company endd Liu and Chen’s engagement, citing violations of the engageee handbook and company rules.

Liu and Chen have each filed split legal cases aacquirest their createer engageer. Chen is seeking compensation of 26,000 yuan (approximately Rs 3 lakh), while Liu, who held a more ageder position, is seeking over 230,000 yuan (approximately Rs 27 lakh) in injures.

The company acquireed its decision to end their engagement, referencing its engageee handbook, which permits termination for behaviour deemed unrighteous. The handbook clearly states it has ”the right to fracture the labour relationship with engageees who are morpartner corrupt, tarnish the company’s reputation and have a pessimistic shape on the company.”

The court ultimately ruled in favour of the company, diswatching the legal cases filed by Liu and Chen.

On social media, the incident has created expansivespread converseion, with many engagers criticising the engageees’ behavior. One engager wrote, ”Obviously they did not toil challenging enough if they had the energy to discover colleagues drawive.’

Another commented, ”Shame on them to even sue the company.”

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