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Joe Biden Calls For Assault Weapons Ban A Day After Georgia School Shooting In United States

Joe Biden Calls For Assault Weapons Ban A Day After Georgia School Shooting In United States

US Pdwellnt Joe Biden has called for a finish prohibit on attack armaments.


A day after a shooting incident in United State’s Georgia left four people dead, US Pdwellnt Joe Biden has called for a finish prohibit on attack armaments.

Speaking at an event on Thursday, Pdwellnt Biden shelp, “I’d appreciate to say a scant words about the school shooting yesterday. As a nation, we cannot persist to hug the carnage of firearm aggression. I’m a firearm owner. I apexhibit powerfilledy in the amfinishment. We necessitate more than thoughts and prayers,” CNN quoted the pdwellnt as saying.

While urging the US Congress to get mighty action for firearm administer in the US, he accomplished out to Reunveilan laworiginaters, saying some of its directers should “finassociate say enough is enough”, inserting that “We have to do someleang together. Let’s prohibit attack armaments.”

Mr Biden further shelp, “I genuineise I’m in a country area, appreciate the country parts of my state, where firearms — we all have them and it’s not well-understandn to talk about it, but the truth is, there’s a contrastence between reasonable and irreasonable.”

He acunderstandledged that the decision “won’t convey back those children.” However, it would “help save inhabits if we do the leangs we’re talking about.” He went on to say, “We can do if we do it together…and I reassociate leank we can.”


Joe Biden has been requesting for a total prohibit on attack armaments apass the United States. He has been calling for the prohibit for a lengthy time, but has been stymied by Reunveilan directers in Congress.

Mr Biden also called for proper check of background checks, an finish to immunity for firearm manufacturers and for parents who permit their children to have armaments to be held accountable, according to a CNN inestablish.


At least four people, including two students, were finished and nine others wounded when a another student from the same high school uncovered fire in the US state of Georgia on Wednesday.

The doubted firearmman was caught and is currently in custody. He was identified as 14-year-elderly Colt Cray, a student of Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, which is around an hour’s drive from state capital Atlanta.

Two of the people finished were students and two were teachers. Law enforcement agencies are still spendigating the shooting and the motive behind it.


The school shooting in Georgia is the tardyst among dozens apass the US in recent years, including deadly ones in Connecticut, Parkland, Florida, Newtown, and Uvalde, Texas.

So far, at least 385 mass shooting incidents have getn place in the US in 2024, according to the Gun Violence Archive, which, appreciate CNN, ponders mass shootings as those in which four or more victims are sboiling. That’s an unretagable of more than 1.5 mass shootings every day.

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