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I’m Obsessed With Thelma As An Action-Comedy, But I Want To Talk About How Well It Handles Aging

Richard Roundtree and June Squibb walking away from fire in Thelma

Look, I know that there’s tons of 2024 movies left to see within this summer movie season (including surefire Marvel blockbuster Deadpool and Wolverine), but for now I’m calling it: Thelma is the action comedy of the summer. My summer, anyway. And, I invite you to join me. It may sound like something one might joke about, but I’m totally serious. I highly doubt another one of the action movies coming out this summer is going to make me laugh, cry and have me on the edge of my seat as much as Thelma did. 

The new release was so good on so many levels as June Squibb gives an incredible performance as a 93-year-old grandma who decides to get revenge on the phone scammers who trick her out of thousands. Richard Roundtree, who died this past October, gets an all-time great last role as an old friend of hers whom she rolls with on an adult scooter throughout the journey. But, I particularly can’t get over how beautifully writer/director Josh Margolin crafted a love letter both to his grandmother and the action-comedy genre. Let me talk about it further! 

June Squibb talking on the phone in Thelma

(Image credit: Magnolia Pictures)

Thelma Tackles A Real And Concerning Problem Affecting The Elderly 

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