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How Did the Titanic Crew Become Drugged on Set?

How Did the Titanic Crew Become Drugged on Set?


  • A bizarre incident involving clam chowder on the set of
    left James Cameron and crew in a trippy, mysterious haze.
  • The dosed Titanic team created chaos at the hospital, with laughter, tears, and wheelchair wheelies.
  • The aftermath of the drugging incident points fingers at a fired crew member seeking payback, though nothing has been confirmed.

Revenge is a dish best-served cold, the saying goes – but in the case of an infamous drug dosing on the set of Titanic, it came in the form of a hot bowl of clam chowder. In 1996, Titanic would become director James Cameron’s most ambitious and costly undertaking to that point, with a production schedule that included a massive, sinkable scale model of the doomed ship being built in Rosarito, Mexico, for the majority of shooting. First, though, Cameron would bring a smaller shooting crew and actors to Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. There, they would shoot the film’s present-day opening scenes in a location not far from the actual shipwreck, and Cameron would also dip submersibles beneath the ocean’s surface to film the wreck itself.

Working on a slated $200 million budget and armed with the extensive knowledge of underwater filming he had honed on an earlier movie, The Abyss, Cameron captained 85 crew members and a small cast of actors in Nova Scotia. While stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet weren’t present for this portion of shooting, Bill Paxton, an actor known for his joviality and likability, was there to balance out Cameron’s reputation as “the scariest man in Hollywood.” Indeed, Cameron was a taskmaster, but the fact that The Abyss, while profitable, hadn’t been a runaway financial success left Cameron under enormous pressure from Paramount Pictures to produce a blockbuster.

The Titanic Crew Ingested Heavily-Laced Chowder



Release Date
November 18, 1997

On August 8, 1996, the Nova Scotia crew were on their last night of shooting in Canada, venturing from Dartmouth across Halifax Bay to remote Shearwater. The crew broke for lunch around midnight (normal practice on a night-shooting schedule), and a local catering company had prepared a heaping helping of hot clam chowder to keep the crew warm and well-fed for the last push of shooting. Soon after finishing his chow, Cameron found himself experiencing anxious and hallucinogenic effects. Cameron recalled being fearful he had ingested “paralytic shellfish neurotoxin, which is very dangerous.”


Everyone Forgets About James Cameron’s First Film (Probably Because He Disowned It)

James Cameron made an inauspicious feature directorial debut with the horror film Piranha II: The Spawning.

Meanwhile, a few grips and electricians were huddled in a room set aside for their equipment – when one began talking erratically, saying, “Do you guys feel okay? Because I don’t. I feel like I’m on something, and believe me, I would know!” Just then, Cameron ran by the room, shouting, “Get it out of me!” Cameron, fearing toxic poisoning, was smart enough to run back to his trailer and make himself vomit before the drug had fully taken hold of him.

The Titanic Cast and Crew Began to Experience Inexplicable Delirium

Cameron pulled himself together somewhat, eventually returning to set, which only added to the dissociative effects of the drug because the stage had been abandoned. Cameron recalled thinking he was in an episode of The Twilight Zone. He only had one bowl of the ‘choo-choo chowder,’ but part of the issue was how good the seafood soup tasted. Recalling the incident, standby painter Marilyn McAvoy (she made Jack’s famous sketches of Rose in Titanic) remembered, “The chowder was unbelievable. People were going back for second bowls… people ate a lot more than usual because it was so delicious.”

To think of James Cameron, by all accounts, a control freak, suddenly losing control of his set is part of the hilarity of the suddenly psychedelic situation. But PCP, also known as phencyclidine or angel dust, isn’t exactly a ‘free love’ drug like LSD. It can induce massive anxiety and even lead to convulsions and violent behavior. Fearing the worst, the above-the-line crew members (with enough cognizance to do so) began rushing the crew, en masse, to Dartmouth General Hospital. The scene that would unfold there was something out of a much-later Leonardo DiCaprio picture, The Great Gatsby.

Cameron and Crew Were Rushed to the Hospital, Partying Ensued

Bill Paxton, a reputed stoner with a ‘just-go-with-it’ attitude, recalled the scene at the hospital, quipping that “Some people were laughing, some people were crying, some people were throwing up.” The hospital staff began attempting to confine the crew to individual cubicles. That didn’t last long, as grips began requisitioning wheelchairs to do wheelies down the hospital hallways, and according to Cameron, cinematographer Caleb Deschanel led a rapturous conga line of crew members who were suddenly enjoying the experience.


James Cameron Confesses That Titanic’s Most Famous Scene has One Imperfection

James Cameron’s Titanic has one flaw in its iconic “I’m flying, Jack” scene that the director was forced to leave in the final cut.

Even Cameron, who Kate Winslet once said she would never work with again due to his volatile temper, was forced to let go – despite a crew member allegedly stabbing him in the face with a pen. Cameron said, “I’m sitting there bleeding and laughing.” The hospital began forcing the crew to ingest liquid charcoal to lessen the drug’s effects. Bill Paxton remained a steadying force, with set decorator Claude Roussel saying, “[He] was sitting next to me in the hallway, and he was kind of enjoying the buzz.” As daytime finally dawned, the Halifax Police Department was called in to investigate the situation, but few conclusions were drawn at the time.

Finding the Culprit of the Delirious Dosing

Still, theories abound. Though Cameron has never officially pinned the blame, he recalls, “We had fired a crew member the day before because they were creating trouble with the caterers. So we believe the poisoning was this idiot’s plan to get back at the caterers, whom, of course, we promptly fired the next day. So it worked.” The catering company’s C.E.O., Earle Scott, has a different opinion, thinking it was done like a “party thing” that got carried away.

For their part, Halifax Police closed the case in 1999, creating a 10-page rapid incident report. Luckily for inquiring minds, Nova Scotia’s information and privacy commissioner, Tricia Ralph, recently ordered the police to release all the information they have about the incident. Many have theorized that it had to be an attempt to get back at the oft-tyrannical Cameron.

Whatever the case, until the heavily redacted police report becomes public, we’ll never know who the culprit may have been. Although PCP is considered to not have long-term effects when ingested moderately, Cameron’s incredibly trippy, subsequent film Avatar may suggest otherwise. Stream Titanic on Prime Video and Paramount+.

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