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Fallout 4 Player Discovers Rare Hidden Content By Killing A Key NPC After 3,000 Hours Of Gameplay

Fallout 4 Player Discovers Rare Hidden Content By Killing A Key NPC After 3,000 Hours Of Gameplay


  • Fallout 4 players can help Travis Miles gain confidence by participating in barfights and setting him up with Scarlett, improving his DJ skills and accent.
  • If Travis is killed, he is replaced by Sheng Kawolski, who lacks charisma and only promotes his water purifier.
  • Killing Travis makes Diamond City’s security hostile, and Sheng’s replacement DJ lacks charm and entertainment value, making it better to keep Travis alive.

As with many of Bethesda’s RPGs, Fallout 4 can be played in many different ways, with players still discovering different outcomes to certain questlines or situations after repeat playthroughs. One such questline involves the rather meek Diamond City Radio DJ, Travis Miles, who players can help get some confidence by partaking in barfights and setting him up with the bar’s waitress, Scarlett.

If this works, Travis will wear a suave Transatlantic accent and a far more confident demeanor when hosting Diamond City Radio, with many of the city’s residents commenting on how “smooth” he has become or how nice the player is for helping him. Still, things can go an extremely different way. As Redditor _dooozy_ pointed out, if Travis is killed, he will be swiftly replaced by Sheng Kawolski, a young boy in charge of the water purifier in Diamond City, whom players can assist in a different side mission.

During the mission
Confidence Man
, Travis will be temporarily marked essential and will follow the player until the quest is completed, should he
become a temporary companion
. However,
Travis can be killed at any point outside of this quest


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Diamond City Radio Is Less Entertaining Without Travis

Travis’ Replacement Really Wants To Sell His Water

Fallout 4 - Travis Miles and Sheng Kawolski with Diamond City behind them

Unfortunately, killing Travis comes at a cost, as his replacement is even less charismatic than Travis was before players gave him his confidence boost. Even prior to completing the Confidence Man quest, hearing Travis awkwardly blunder his way through hosting duties between songs had its charm, especially as he would anxiously report on current events or criticize his own attempts at jokes.

Unfortunately, Sheng Kawolski isn’t a worthy replacement unless players are really into being sold water. As pointed out by That_Batman on _dooozy_’s post, it’s clear that Sheng doesn’t have a passion for DJing as he doesn’t tell listeners about any news or even introduce any songs; he just advertises his water.

Even if players aren’t fond of Travis’ style of DJing before or after he gains his confidence, there’s no real reason to kill him. In fact, doing so makes Diamond City’s security extremely hostile to the player character, even if they stay hidden and then leave the Diamond City Radio location after doing this deed. With this in mind and how lackluster the replacement is, it’s far better to keep Travis alive in Fallout 4, even if Bethesda did provide a contingency for those players who are a bit more trigger-happy.


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How Does Travis Stack Up Against Fallout’s Other DJs?

He May Be Quirky, But He’s Not As Cool

Three Dog in Fallout 3 sitting at a microphone

Travis may be the life and soul of Diamond City Radio but most Fallout 4 fans agree that he’s not the best DJ in the franchise. That honor is usually given to either Three Dog, host of Galaxy News Radio in Fallout 3 and Mr. New Vegas, who’s suave voice welcomes listeners to Radio New Vegas. Both of the aformentioned characters have become fan-favorite members of the post-apocalyptic universe but players can only meet one of them.

Despite having a seemingly omnipotent presence in the Mojave, the Courier is never able to actually encounter Mr. New Vegas, who’s voiced by Wayne Newton aka Mr. Las Vegas, even though the DJ is aware of their presence. In contrast, Three Dog plays a key role in Fallout 3‘s narrative as the Lone Wanderer is tasked with tracking him down after discovering he may have information on their father. After their meeting, Three Dog often calls out “The kid from Vault 101,” wishing them luck on their adventures around the Capital Wasteland.

Three Dog is voiced by veteran actor Erik Dellums
who recently revealed that he’s eager to reprise his role in live-action for Prime Video’s

Fallout 4 wasn’t the first game to punish players for offing a radio DJ as it’s also entirely possible to kill Three Dog in Fallout 3. It was initially assumed that doing so would just cause the station to play music without a host interrupting the tunes but Three Dog is actually replaced by a woman named Margaret, who is initially introduced as a technician and sound engineer. When she takes over as the voice of GNC, she sounds incredibly unenthusiastic and constantly chastizes the player for murdering Three Dog.

Source: _dooozy_

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