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Could 23 Jump Street: Men In Black 4 Still Happen? The Writer Of The Crossover Movie Is Keeping Hope Alive

Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum aiming guns, while dressed in tuxedos, in 21 Jump Street.

A 21 Jump Street/Men In Black crossover may sound like an idea that originates from a movie that is satirizing Hollywood, but it was a real thing. At the end of 2014, leaked emails from Sony revealed that the project was in the works, with the intention being for it to exist as a follow-up to both 22 Jump Street and Men In Black 3. In 2019 (around the release of Men In Black International), the film was deemed dead – but after Channing Tatum recently discussed his love for the existing script, screenwriter Rodney Rothman is keeping hope alive that it could someday see the light of day.

Rothman, who was a co-writer on 22 Jump Street, was the man assigned the task of having Channing Tatum‘s Jenko and Jonah Hill‘s Schmidt meet Will Smith‘s Agent J and Tommy Lee Jones‘ Agent K in a franchise crossover feature. It’s been a long time since the project has made any kind of meaningful moves towards production, but the filmmaker took to his personal Twitter account this week to share the cover page of his screenplay and note that “nothing is impossible.” Check out his post below:

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