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Car Journeys Up In 2023 With Bus And Bicycle Journeys Down, Reports U.K. Department For Transport

Car Journeys Up In 2023 With Bus And Bicycle Journeys Down, Reports U.K. Department For Transport

Why is road congestion so bad? No, it’s not slow cyclists—or even impossibly-fast 52mph ones—it’s all of the cars, silly.

“Cars accounted for 75% of all motor vehicle traffic on Great Britain’s roads over the year ending June 2023,” stated a traffic statistics report issued last year by the Department for Transport (DfT).

“Therefore,” concluded the report, “cars continue to be the main contributor to changes in overall motor vehicle traffic.”

And, in the latest report, published today, the DfT reveals that private car traffic is approaching the same levels as before the pandemic.

The number of miles traveled by all motor vehicles went up in 2023, reaching 330.8 billion, up 2.2% from 2022. There was 3% increase in car traffic from 2022 levels to 251.3 billion vehicle miles.

However, traffic miles by buses, coaches and bicycles are down. Bus and coach traffic decreased by 1.7% from 2022 levels, while pedal cycle traffic was in steeper decline, falling 7.3% below 2022 levels.

Reacting to today’s data release, Dr Maya Singer Hobbs, senior research fellow at the Institute for Public Policy Research think tank, said: “The U.K. is sleepwalking towards a traffic-heavy future, with all the economic, social and environmental challenges that brings.”

She added: “More cars on the road means more pollution, worse air quality and rising emissions.”

Motor vehicle miles traveled in Great Britain saw year-on-year growth in each year between 2013 and 2019, and then saw a sharp decline in 2020, due to the pandemic, followed by increases in 2021, 2022 and 2023. Traffic in 2023 is now only 2.3% lower when compared to pre-pandemic levels.

The U.K. government’s Climate Change Committee estimates there could be an 11% rise in motor traffic between 2021 and 2050 with a potential 28% increase in car ownership, rising from 34 million cars owned today to 43.6 million in 2050.

This number of cars—an excessive number—will lead inevitably to increased congestion, especially if more people abandon buses and bicycles and get into their own cars, instead. And with today’s cars being heavier, wider and longer than cars in previous eras the future can only be one of massive tailbacks.

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