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Brexit blamed by ‘experts’ for UK couples not having enough babies | UK | News

Brexit blamed by 'experts' for UK couples not having enough babies | UK | News

Britain’s falling birth rate is the latest crisis that experts have blamed on Brexit.

The Paris-based Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) issued a report last week that listed ‘Eurosceptism’ as a major reason behind the declining fertility rate in the UK.

During a panel last week, one expert in the field said that Brexit was leading to young British couples deciding not to have children.

The paper, Society at a Glance, concluded that the total fertility rate (TFR) had on average more than halved across OECD countries since the 1960s.

In the UK, on average, women gave birth to 1.5 children in 2021, compared to 2.7 children in 1960. According to the Office for National Statistics, the TFR has been in decline in the UK since 2010.

The report’s authors claimed “Euroscepticism, xenophobic responses, and the rise of populism” could all impact fertility rates.

Speaking at the launch of the paper, Vienna-based researcher Tomas Sobotka sought to tie the fall to Brexit – despite European countries suffering the same fate. Italy and Germany are among the leading EU countries with a worse fertility rate than the UK.

He said: “I would like to mention one factor which is political polarisation in some countries, very polarised political discourses, where often the generation may feel being left out of the politics or the politics not reflecting their views and their needs.

“One example could be, for instance, Brexit in the UK, where this was politically supported overwhelmingly by the 50-plus generations, whereas young adults have completely different views and preferences around the issue.”

Reform UK MP Lee Anderson mocked the report, saying that experts would blame any negative story on Britain’s decision to leave the EU.

He told MailOnline: “Blame everything on Brexit. England played rubbish last night, blame that on Brexit as well. We’ve had probably one of the wettest years so far, blame that on Brexit. Tell you what, everything bad that happens in Europe, blame that on Brexit.

“But funnily enough European countries are having exactly the same problems that we are having – is that because of Brexit? These people are just clutching at straws. You need to take what these people say with a large pinch of salt.

“They need carting off somewhere, putting in a dark room, and listening to some whale music.”

Mr Sobotka later seemed to row back on his remarks, adding there was no data to prove his speculation.

The researcher said: “I did not aim to suggest that Brexit had a direct impact on fertility decisions. I was using the Brexit example as one of the iconic examples of political polarisation, where political representation of many countries takes life-altering long-term decisions that are not aligned with the interest (and voting) of younger generations.

“These policy splits contribute to the high levels of dissatisfaction and pessimism about the future prospects among young adults in many countries today, which is one of the factors that may in turn negatively impact fertility.

“You can probably notice a lot of ‘might’ and ‘may’ in my writing, because I do not really have data and evidence to prove this link for individual countries or make any empirical assessment, so the inference is speculative.

“Needless to say, my views do not represent OECD. I was invited as an independent researcher to comment on trends and factors affecting fertility.”

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