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BookTok’s Other Viral 2023 Fantasy Book Should Be As Big As Fourth Wing (& Why It Isn’t)

BookTok's Other Viral 2023 Fantasy Book Should Be As Big As Fourth Wing (& Why It Isn't)


  • Divine Rivals
    went viral on BookTok around the same time as
    Fourth Wing,
    and it could have been as big.
  • The excitement surrounding
    Divine Rivals
    petered out after its sequel, while
    Fourth Wing
    maintained its

  • Divine Rivals’
    hype was likely short-lived because its story ended more quickly than
    The Empyrean

Fourth Wing has become a worldwide success after gaining popularity on BookTok, but the platform saw another fantasy book going viral in 2023 — and it could have been as big as Rebecca Yarros’ series. TikTok has become the go-to place to find book recommendations, especially for those looking for specific genres or tropes. Some books see a massive boost in interest thanks to the social media platform, and Fourth Wing is undoubtedly among the most popular titles on BookTok.

With its immersive world, steamy romance, and twists, it’s no wonder The Empyrean series is such a hit in online book spaces. And these elements have helped it jump from BookTok to more casual reading spaces, putting Yarros’ story on just about everyone’s radar. Another hyped BookTok book could have done something similar after 2023, but unfortunately, it didn’t follow the same trajectory as Fourth Wing.


10 Books To Read If You Love Fourth Wing

Fourth Wing is hard to follow because of its well-balanced fantasy and romance elements, but there are a few great books that share similar themes.

Divine Rivals’ BookTok Popularity Should Have Made It As Big As Fourth Wing

Rebecca Ross’ Fantasy Novel Had Everything It Needed For Continued Success

The book cover of Divine Rivals featuring Iris Winnow and Roman Kitt

Fourth Wing isn’t the only fantasy novel that went viral on BookTok in 2023; Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross also got a lot of praise, with many readers comparing the two around the time of their release. Of course, these comparisons likely stemmed from the fact that Divine Rivals and Fourth Wing came out within a month of one another. And both were fantasy stories with a heavy focus on romance, causing them to circulate quickly among romantasy readers. Both books also had sequels come out in late 2023, but only Fourth Wing remained at the front of conversations into 2024.

By all rights,
Divine Rivals
should have become a phenomenon on par with
Fourth Wing.

Unfortunately, Divine Rivals’ popularity wasn’t as long-lived as Fourth Wing‘s, and the other book never quite reached the same level of fame. This is a shame, as Ross’ novel had all the workings of a successful romantasy novel. The prose are masterfully crafted, the central relationship is compelling, and the focus on journalism during wartime makes it stand out. By all rights, Divine Rivals should have become a phenomenon on par with Fourth Wing. It’s certainly a BookTok book worth the hype, but there are a few reasons the excitement surrounding it petered out.

Why Divine Rivals Never Reached The Heights Of Fourth Wing

It Was Quickly Concluded & Its Sequel Wasn’t As Well Reviewed

Fourth Wing Custom Dragon
Custom Image by Simone Ashmoore

It’s unfortunate that Divine Rivals hasn’t maintained the same popularity as Fourth Wing, but there are a few reasons this may be the case. For one, Divine Rivals is the first book in a fantasy duology, which concluded in 2023. By contrast, Fourth Wing is the first installment in what Yarros intends to be a five-book series (via Variety). Needless to say, the hype surrounding Fourth Wing is still building ahead of future sequels like Onyx Storm. Meanwhile, Divine Rivals’ story is over, and there isn’t anything more to look forward to. This means readers have moved on.

It doesn’t help that Divine Rivals’ sequel and conclusion, Ruthless Vows, didn’t live up to its predecessor. While Ruthless Vows is certainly still worth reading — its 4.03 average Goodreads rating can attest to that — many reviewers described it as a step down from the first book. This likely contributed to it fading into the background of BookTok. It’s a shame, as Divine Rivals easily had the same potential as Fourth Wing, but the latter has done a better job of maintaining interest through Iron Flame and the promise of future installments.

Source: Variety, Goodreads

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