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As Jurassic World 4 Work Ramps Up, Its Producer Shared A Photo From His ‘Office,’ And I’m Feeling So Much FOMO

A foggy variant of the Jurassic World: Dominion logo

As the buzz around the forthcoming Jurassic World 4 intensifies, fans are eager for any tidbits about the next installment in the Jurassic Park universe of films. Recently, the movie’s producer, Frank Marshall, gave us a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the incredible view from his “office.” Marshall shared an image on social media of where he gets to work. And, honestly, it’s giving me a severe case of FOMO.

Sharing a stunning photo on Instagram, Frank Marshall showcased the breathtaking Phulay Bay, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve, which presumably will serve as an idyllic backdrop for the production of Jurassic World 4. The image, which you can see embedded below, is drenched in vibrant blues and tranquil serenity — and it has me longing for a taste of the paradisiacal escape:

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